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Nails Creation And Model Perfection

June 5th, 2024
Iterms: Individual License
One copy to be used by a single user.
In this chapter, we will create the nail models and finally check the mesh of the model.

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  1. mwsheeler says:

    I figured out how to allow the sculpt brush (the Grab brush in this case) to affect only the centered mesh under it. I checked “Topology” in the Tools panel in the “Advanced” section. That took me a while to figure out. I know you mentioned it once in an earlier video. I am posting it here so anyone else that forgot might see my comment on it.

  2. mwsheeler says:

    I don’t understand your meaning of adjusting “synchronously.” Synchronous” means happening at the same time but I don’t get what that means in context to what is going on in the video. I noticed you used that term many times. Thanks for any help clarifying this.

    • Jerry Lee says:

      Because we typically prefer to complete one model entirely before moving on to the next one, I want to emphasize that after you adjust the shape of the gums, the teeth also need to be adjusted. This is one of the drawbacks of creating the teeth and gums as separate models. It can be cumbersome to switch back and forth between different models to make adjustments.

  3. mwsheeler says:

    I have a few questions. Around the 12 minute section of the video you spend time readjusting the teeth after they were parented to the lower jaw bone. Why are the teeth separate from the gums? Is this necessary? Could they not be joined so that they are part of the lower palette?

    Also how did you get the Grab brush (in Sculpt mode) to only move a single tooth and not affect the mesh of the other teeth close to it? I cannot remember how to do this!

    Also I got lost when you said, “Create a Shape Key” to be able to make the changes to the lower teeth and jaw. I don’t remember getting an introduction to the basics of creating Shape Keys so I got totally lost as you did this part so fast.

    Thanks for any help on this.

  4. mwsheeler says:

    When in Sculpt mode, how do you grab a single tooth and move it without affecting other teeth?