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Facial Rigging - Secondary and Linked Effects

July 10th, 2024
Iterms: Individual License
One copy to be used by a single user.

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  1. mwsheeler says:

    Thanks. That’s a lifesaver, or I should say, a time saver. I thought I would have to go back to the beginning of the skinning.

  2. mwsheeler says:

    I missed something in my initial facial bone creation. I did not name DEF_brow_d with the .L ending. Therefore it did not get symmetrized. I never noticed it until today. Will this ruin everything I have done with the bones so far? It wasn’t there when I selected “rig with automatic weights.” Can it be rigged at this late stage or do I staart over?

    I sent an email showing a screenshot of it.

  3. mwsheeler says:

    If A fix for the two MCH_roll bones can’t be found right now, can I disable them and then continue with the tutorial? If they are disabled then the bones will be aligned.

    • Jerry Lee says:

      I reviewed the Blender project file you sent, and the issue is indeed with the “MCH_roll_head” and “MCH_roll_neck” bones, just as you mentioned. However, the Copy Rotation constraint applied to these bones is not the problem. The root cause is that the head and tail of these two bones are not aligned along the Z-axis. This misalignment results in the bones having rotational values in world space, which causes them to be out of sync with the “CTR_root” bone that constrains them. As a result, the offset you’re seeing occurs.

      The solution is quite simple. You just need to align the head and tail positions of the “MCH_roll_head” and “MCH_roll_neck” bones along the Z-axis. You can follow the steps in the video below to fix this.

  4. mwsheeler says:

    I looking at all the constraints on the bones and turning each constraint off and on, to see if there was something that moved the subsequent bones, all I think the problem is with the Copy_Rotation constraint in the “MCH_roll_neck” and the “MCH_roll_head” bones. When I disable both of these constraints then the bones align. So can yoou take a look at those and see if you can spot what I need to change? I’ve looked at the drivers for both and compared them to the Wolf_4.1.1 model that you gave us to download and they seem to match up. So I don’t know what to do.

  5. mwsheeler says:

    Hi Jerry,
    I am having a small problem with my model at the very beginning of this video. I just sent you an email with screen shots and a small video. I willl also send you my .blend file so you can see it first-hand. I duplicated all the facial bones and put them in a new layer. I unparented them, scaled them down to 0.5 and renamed them to MCH bones.

    When I went to add the “copy Transforms” constraint I noticed the head of the bones changes from edit to pose mode. In edit mode they are perfectly aligned. In pose mode, they are off. All of them.

    I thought that maybe I hadn’t cleared a transform on one of the bones so I selected all the bones in the model and did a “Clear All Transforms” on them. But the head of my model still moves slightly between edit and pose mode. I can’t figure it out.