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Prepare for Hair Guide Grooming - Preparations Before Creation

September 6th, 2024
Iterms: Individual License
One copy to be used by a single user.

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  1. mtazzioli says:

    hello! hope you are good! I have a model that’s perfectly symmetrical , all transformations applied and cursor at world origin, however when I mirror the hair particles to the other side in some areas there’s a slight offset that is driving me crazy.

    In my modifier stack I have a Subdivision Surface then the hair particle and then on top an armature.

  2. mwsheeler says:

    One more question. Shouldn’t this Symmetrizing the model be done even before texturing and rigging? When I do the Snap to Symmetry, it still shows failed vertices…and when I go back into Object mode my model is skewed out of shape.

  3. mwsheeler says:

    What do I do if I still have some failed vertices after applying Snap to Symmetry?

    • Jerry Lee says:

      This situation is a bit tricky, and I don’t have a perfect solution at the moment. Would you mind sending me your model? I can help test it and see if we can come up with a solution together.

  4. mwsheeler says:

    As the Grooming section of this course was the last to be made available for purchase, I have done the other 4 modules already.

    So now i have a question. Around the 2 minute mark in this video you say to apply all modifiers. I have an Armature modifer. Am I supposed to apply that?

    • Jerry Lee says:

      You don’t need to apply the Armature Modifier, Multiresolution Modifier, or Subdivision Modifier on your model.